Documentary film on the colonial exhibition held in 1934 in Oporto. Images of the participants, pavilions, gardens, leisure areas, folk parades and of the most visited commercial stands.
The film opens with an unrelated scene of Australian troops exploding a shell or mine in a training exercise. 1st Spahi Cavalry Regiment 'charges' the camera. One of the men demonstrates steadiness by...
A preview of the preparation works for the etnographic exhibition to take place in Oporto.
Views of the Portuguese World Exhibition, commissioned by Cottinelli Telmo, highlighting the colonial section.
The visit of the President of the Republic to the city council of Lisbon: arrival in carriage, a parade of a unit of infantry force in colonial campaign outfit.
The celebrations in Lourenço Marques (now Maputo) for the transfer of the territories administrated by the Niassa Company (of British and French interests) to the control of the Portuguese colonial g...
In 1917, in Paris, the sidewalks in front of the movie theaters are packed. On a quieter street, two soldiers from the colonial forces negotiate with a prostitute in front of a brothel.
Il film è parte della tradizione del documentario etnografico. La descrizione della capitale somala fa riferimento allo stesso medium cinematografico, tra il bianco delle antiche architetture di epoc...
Notes on the importance of colonial films in the words of François Manceron, Résident général de la République française en Tunisie.
Diary notebook of the filming of whale hunt by Antunes da Mata.
Film review, referring to its achievement in documenting Portugal’s colonial facet.
Article defending the need of producing Portuguese colonial films.
Notes on the film ‘Como se faz um jornal’, and the founding of a unit dedicated to producing colonial films.